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Join the Conversation: Message in a Bottle

You know the scene…someone is alone on an island, surrounded by water, they write a note and put it in a bottle and throw it in the sea. Last resort. Last cry for help. Hoping that someone will find it and come to their rescue. The truth is … this is a day where a lot of people are losing hope.

Our new series, “Message in a Bottle” — puts the focus on where our hope lies, Jesus Christ. We know by the prayer requests that come in each week that many, many CCer’s are being effected by the state of the world. It’s easy to take our eyes off of the one who anchors us. Isn’t it?

I wonder, has a “hope-crisis” hit you? We thought we’d use this blog as a way for you (anonymously) to share what you are dealing with. The purpose is two fold. One – it allows the readers of this blog to pray for you (don’t worry – God can figure out your anonymous comment.) Two – its a reality check in that we all struggle. Not one of us has it completely together. Just like Pastor Rocky said, “we are all in need of hope that is sure, steadfast and secure.” That hope is Jesus.

This post will be at the top of our blog for the entirety of our series. If you were putting a message in a bottle…

12 Responses

  1. I need hope for the long battle of addiction.

  2. hope that financially we’ll be okay.

  3. I need hope that my children will grow up free of heavy burdens, and faith followers in Christ.

  4. I need peace in my life. It seems to be spiraling out of control. Too much to do so little time.

  5. I need hope to push on through one more day.

  6. I HOPE I’ll get to hear that version of the Police’s Message In a Bottle again the worship team did. You guys ROCKED it!!

  7. Hope that we’ll see God’s signs and wonders in this generation.

  8. I hope you will grant Laura’s wish to hear that song again because if you don’t play it yer all in for some trouble!!!!!! Beleive me I know!

  9. Eric I know that was you smarty pants!! LOL You know me too well…HA!

    But seriously, what an intense series! I’m so thankful for the heart of our church and that we worship a God of HOPE!! I learned today that in my own times of hopelessness, THATS when hope can come to life!

  10. Today at church we learned about hope for our nation and how we need God in our country. I found this really neat news article that might be interesting to everyone.

    “There still is so much hope and feeling connected to this election and I want to say that in as nonpartisan a way as possible,” Seidenberg said in an interview. “It really feels like so much hangs in the balance and so many dreams and hopes hang in the balance right now.”

  11. Hoping that I can keep my eyes focused on God, not my troubles.

  12. Needs hope for my generation. Hope for the government and hope that the President Obama will do the right things so that America can rise up again.

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